espresso media portfolio image for GreatHealth espresso media portfolio image for GreatHealth espresso media portfolio image for GreatHealth espresso media portfolio image for GreatHealth


Great Health Magazine and Online Content


GMHBA had a need for a brand refresh for their member magazine with a need to include an emagazine as a digital offering. espresso was engaged to re-launch the magazine. After a successful re-launch and several years of successfully publishing Great Health, there was a need to reinvent the magazine as a purely online offering in the form of digital content activated by electronic direct mail to members.

Approach & Outcome

Great Health magazine required a total redesign and updated content strategy to become more accepted into homes and well read. The inclusion of celebrity health enthusiasts and sports people as cover subjects was introduced, along with recipe ideas and competition features. The magazine was incredibly well received for several years while being distributed in its new form in print. For the past two years, Great Health has been developed into an online content environment with an email marketing campaign bringing members to the content each quarter. espresso developed similar content to the print version for the new digital version including celebrity features and health and wellbeing articles.

Client Feedback

"espresso have been extremely important to GMHBA as we transitioned our hard copy member magazine (which espresso produced) into an online newsletter. They have been full of great ideas, and managed content and timing of the project really well and have always been professional and easy to work with."
Mimi Skoko, Marketing Manager
GMHBA Insurance

  • Brand strategy
  • Magazine design
  • Content strategy
  • Content creation
  • Digital strategy

Brand, Content, Digital